Come on in! Don't mind the chaos...

Hi! I'm Sandy Steen Bartholomew - I also answer to Sandy B., GeekyGirl, and Lilah's Mom. I'm a neurodivergent artist, illustrator, and cartoonist - which means - my brain and body are rather... um... quirky! And, let's call it my superpower: I experience the world in images!

My life as a slogan...

“Where great ideas take flight!”

“Where there’s always a cup of tea in the microwave.”

“Get your Creative Buzz!”

“We Will Never Leave U”

My favorite…

“‘Cheer up,’ she said, ‘things could always be worse.’ So I cheered up. And sure enough, things got worse.”

Most likely to be my Motto…




Or should it be… 



 Overthink? Or….?

Ooo! I want to put that on a t-shirt!

As you can see, I’m a pessimistic optimist! Or is it an optimistic pessimist? Either way, it works! Stamp your feet, scream “It’s NOT FAIR!” and then come up with another super cool idea!

Basically, there are two options: you can laugh, or you can cry.

I can do both. At the same time. That’s about the only multi-tasking I can do, honestly. And it can be messy. And dangerous. Don’t try it at home.

And, now, you know everything about me. Let's recap in an image:

Meet the Team

GeekyGirl, AKA Sandy B.

Creative Director of Beez Ink Studio, LLC and Bumblebat® Books

Sandy Steen Bartholomew is an author, illustrator, cartoonist, and mixed-media artist with a focus on creativity and mental health. She identifies with the Neurodivergent profile but her diagnosis includes more letters than the alphabet and can be very hard to remember! Rearranging some of the letters to spell witty slogans can help. For example: Menopause, ADHD, Depression, 2E (Gifted), Anxiety, Trauma = MADe 2EAT

Sandy has published a buttload of Zentangle® books, children's books, worked as an exhibit designer in a childrens' museum, a rubber stamp designer, painted furniture and murals, freelanced in the illustration world, owned a creativity general store, taught gajillions of Zentangle classes, and sketch-noted at conferences.

In her free time, She has also traveled all over the world, and raised two neurodivergent kids. She is very tired.

No, seriously, she is. Very tired. No more traveling. No more teaching. No more freelancing. She wants to focus on finding her Tribe, training her service puppy, drawing comics about mental health, and painting whatever comes into her head.

And sharing all of it - with You!

Join the tribe

TeddyBear, AKA Elsa Bear

Service Dog In Training

Our newest TeddyBear, Elsa Bear, joined The Team in April 2023 at about 12 weeks old. She's an Australian Labradoodle and such a good girl!

Elsa Bear enjoys non-competitive puppy-parkhour (serious Zoomies including leaping onto large rocks and launching off of vertical surfaces), followed by intense hydration, and then abdominal massage and positive affirmations (ie: belly rubs and "what a good girl you are! Yes, you ARE!")

Elsa Bear makes it possible for Sandy to leave the house and talk to humans. At about 1/3 the size of Theo, her predecessor, she has some pretty big shoes... paws?... to fill. Elsa Bear (and Sandy!) still need a LOT more training to get their Service Dog stripes.

Want to help with her training, or buy her a treat?

Want to buy her a treat?

Bea Bee

Store Manager

After years serving as the poster girl for The Beehive - the name for the IRL, brick and mortar, studio space and shop - Bea B. is thrilled to be promoted to manager of both the physical studio AND the online shop - a huge honor! Although her arms are spindly, and her wings are tiny - her brain is huge and buzzing with creative energy!


Emotional Support Cat, Director of Human & Creature Resources

What does that en-tail? Being ineffable. Sitting on GeekyGirl's arms when she's trying to type. Using her tail and butt to keep the Zoom screen free of dust. Keeping humans on task as to meal times and poop scooping (hers, not theirs). Escorting tiny rodents into the Studio and depositing their paralyzed corpses where GeekyGirl can't help but notice and appreciate Minou's talents and devotion. And using her entire body to hold down drawings and paintings on the drafting table. Those suckers aren't going anywhere. Thanks Minou.

The Inner Demons

Physical & Mental Maintenance and Operations

The Inner Demons aren't very good at maintaining anything, but they sure are passionate. Their roster includes hundreds (thousands?) of employees, but the main crew is made up of CDO (OCD), Anxiety, Depression, Introvert, Insomnia, Imagination, Creativity, Self-Care, Puff/Inner Bitch, and the Ostroboglin. 

They find their way into everything GeekyGirl does and are the heart and soul of their own never-ending graphic novel. No, seriously, it will never be finished.

The title - We Will Never Leave You! - is also the Inner Demons' beloved mantra. So say it loud! Say it like you mean it! Now stop because it's making us anxious!

Join the Tribe and support my work!

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